by Live Healthy | Jan 22, 2020 | News, Rehabilitation, Sports, Uncategorized
Was your News Years Resolution to start running or training for a Marathon or Fun Run? Are you thinking of joining Park run? Are you returning to jogging after having a baby? Are you putting up with pain and discomfort when you jog? We can get you running on the right...
by Live Healthy | Jan 22, 2020 | News, Sports, Uncategorized
Preventing Injuries and Assisting Performance As Physiotherapists, we see teenagers here in the clinic every day with all sorts of aches, pains and niggles. It’s quite scary to think that by the time some of these teenagers turn 20, they could have already put up with...
by Live Healthy | Dec 10, 2019 | Lifestyle, Uncategorized
Do you have a niggle or injury that is aggravated with exercise? Dropping your fitness routine altogether will cause problems in the future, so please follow our 4 point article on how to manage niggles or injuries with your exercise… 1. A warm-up is essential to...
by Live Healthy | Dec 20, 2017 | Lifestyle
It’s that time of the year again… Christmas! And that usually means we are drinking, enjoying the Christmas ham all month long, and eating Pavlova at every Christmas party. But you don’t have to have a holiday blowout like last year and we’re here to help guide you....
by Live Healthy | Dec 20, 2017 | Lifestyle
With Summer only weeks away, we know you’ll be wanting to get into your fit and healthy lifestyle ready for the sunny season. We’ve compiled 4 helpful tips to becoming a healthier you 1. You are what you eat Eating a healthy, balanced diet will radiate through...