Women’s (or Pelvic) Health Physiotherapy is a rapidly growing discipline that refers to the management of a very broad range of conditions, but most commonly the treatment of any disorder of the pelvis or pelvic floor muscles.
Many people are suffering pelvic dysfunction in silence and are surprisingly, still not aware that help is available. So no matter what specific condition you are suffering from, please know it is most likely very common and you should feel comfortable to seek treatment.
Common signs it’s time to get help
Throughout a woman’s life there are many major changes to her body. Withstanding the miracles of reproduction and childbirth, plus dealing with the ups and downs of hormones, just to name a few, the female body is certainly an amazing vessel, however can break down and require regular care and maintenance.
Here are some common symptoms or signs that it is time to see a Women’s Health Physio:
- You are finding it difficult to empty your bladder or bowel
- Need to get to the toilet in a hurry or not get there in time
- Accidentally leak urine, wind or stool when you exercise, play sport, laugh, sneeze or cough
- Suffer from pelvic pain or experience pain during or after intercourse
- Have pubic bone pain
- Have painful scar tissue from caesar, episiotomy or tear
- Have a prolapse – bulge or feeling of heaviness, discomfort, pulling, dragging or dropping in vagina

How are women’s health Physios different?
If you are concerned about a condition and the impact it is having on your ability to stay healthy there are specialist Women’s/Pelvic Health Physiotherapists that can help. They can assist women during and after pregnancy, as well as continence issues for both women and men later in life.
Women’s Health Physiotherapists have undergone specific training in assessing and treating a wide variety of pelvic health conditions. This knowledge along with daily practice in this area, ensure they are the most suitable practitioner to manage your health in the most appropriate and safe way.
Women’s Health Services at SPHC
SPHC is excited to inform you that our Women’s Health services have expanded. A major expansion and renovation of our clinic included the creation of two private treatment rooms to enhance patient comfort and improve access. We have a team of experienced physiotherapists with a special interest in treating pelvic floor dysfunction and conditions including:
- Stress Urinary incontinence
- Overactive Bladder (OAB including urge incontinence, frequency urgency and nocturia)
- Prolapse management
- Pessary fittings
- Pro/post gynaecological surgery advice and management
- Bowel dysfunction including constipation and obstructed defecation
- Faecal urgency and faecal incontinence
- Pelvic pain including Painful Bladder Syndrome Interstitial Cystitis and Endometriosis
- Female sexual dysfunction (including Dyspareunia and Vaginismus)
- Pre and postnatal needs
- Pregnancy related back pain
- Rectus diastasis management

Jane Cannan, Physiotherapist
Read about Jane >>
Read more about our Women’s health services.
The issues outlined above are all normal and affect a large number of Australian women. To get appropriate advice and take control today, please call us on 38691099 for further information or you can book online at a time convenient for you.