As of July 1st, our Acupuncture & Physiotherapy prices have had a small increase
Our fees for Acupuncture & Physiotherapy services went up a small amount (mainly $2 in most cases) on July 1st.
These increases apply to all Acupuncture and general Physio consults, bike fits, dance assessments, 1hr womens health appointments, CTP, hydro. Massage and Pilates fees remain unchanged.
Click to view our price increases for the following services:
- General Physio
- Dance Physio
- Sports Physio
- Pelvic Floor Physio
- Hydrotherapy
- Safe-Step Balance
- Acupuncture
- Bike Fit
If you have any questions regarding our new pricing, please feel free to contact the lovely ladies at reception on 3869 1099 or book online!