Quick and Effective Warm Ups!
Why should I warm up before exercise or sports?
Warm ups are set in place before physical activity, exercise and sports to reduce the likelihood of physical injury occurring. Warm-ups help with flexibility and strengthening. Not only that, but a sequence of warm up exercises will improve your fitness and athletic performance.
Recommended Duration of Warm Up Time: 15-20 minutes is recommended
What effects does warming-up have on my body?
An effective warm up will ensure you increase your heart rate and body temperature, making sure blood flows to the muscles that will be used during the physical activity. The elasticity in the muscles and joints will be improved with warming up which sends messages to the muscles to prepare for performance.
The 4 stages of Warming Up
Stage 1: Low intensity cardiovascular exercise such as easy jogging or walking with the purpose of increasing your heart rate.
Stage 2: Dynamic range of movement exercises to loosen up the joints and muscles that are going to be used during the physical activity.
Stage 3: Involve activities including agility, acceleration and speed drills. This stage prepares your body for faster movements by starting with a low intensity and building to a high intensity.
Stage 4: In this stage you perform the skills necessary in your chosen sport. For example, if you were warming up to play basketball, you may perform dribbling, passing, shooting or rebounding.
- Try this easy warm up exercises to get your heart rate pumping and blood flowing!
- Jog on the spot
- Cross toe touches – reach and touch your toes with your opposite hand
- High knee pulls – pull knee towards your core and reach up with opposite hand
- Bodyweight shallow squats – keep your bottom back and the weight in your heels
- Slow rocking butt kickers – hit your butt with your alternate foot from side to side
- Front Kicks – kick high in front of your body alternating legs
Book in with one of our expert Physiotherapists to get an individualised warm up routine put in place for your physical activity.
Physiotherapy apparatus that helps with warming up:
Swiss balls
Resistance bands
Foam Rollers
Exercise Mats