Knee pain is a common complaint that affects people of all ages. We’ve compiled a list of knee pain symptoms, causes, prevention and treatments to help you if you may be experiencing any knee pain. However, if pain persists please make an appointment with one of our Physiotherapists to seek professional help!

What are the symptoms of knee pain?

  • Pain around the knee
  • Occasionally swelling, clicking, giving way or locking

What are the causes of knee pain?

  • Trauma – if you have twisted, landed awkwardly or impacted the knee.
  • Gradual onset as a result of poor moving habits or a sudden change in training loads.

How to avoid/prevent knee pain?

  • Stay active. We should all be aiming for 30min cardiovascular exercise x 5 days per week as a minimum.
  • Stay strong. Introduce some strengthening into your routine. For example, squats and lunges. Please see your Physiotherapist if you are unsure of injury prevention techniques to use.
  • Gradually increase training loads.
  • Gradually introduce new and supportive shoes.
  • Sleep well. Being sleep deprived and/or stressed can also leave us vulnerable to experiencing pain.

What is better for knee pain, heat or cold?

  • Usually cold, as if there is any swelling ICE can help to reduce inflammation.
  • However, neither are strictly right or wrong, so if you are finding one is helping with your pain please feel free to continue its use.

Is walking good for knee pain?

  • Yes, general activity is good for knee pain and our general health. Walking is good but remember to increase your level of activity gradually and to include other exercises such as strengthening to assist.

How a Physiotherapist will treat knee pain…

A thorough knee physiotherapy assessment is required in order to determine the cause. This will include a thorough discussion with your physiotherapist, they will watch how you move and perform a few clinical tests. You will be then be talked through your personalised management plan to individually suit your injury and movement ability. This will often include advice to manage any acute pain and swelling. Possibly some taping strategies to help during this stage. As well as a thorough strengthening exercise program targeting all of the muscle groups can all influence your knee. You should communicate regularly with your physiotherapist to ensure you are continuing to progress in the right direction.


Call the clinic on 38691099 to book in for a Physiotherapy Assessment for Runners or simply book online!