Exercising in the water has long been used by professional sporting clubs to help recover from weekend games as well as part of injury management. Managing a work injury is no different and some of our biggest users of our Hydrotherapy Services are patients who have suffered a work-related injury and need to be rehabilitated before they can return to their job – whether they’re a tradie, a nurse or an office worker.
Often injuries make doing Physiotherapy exercises too painful, even when everyone knows that restoring movement and regaining strength is essential to returning to work. This is where Hydrotherapy sessions come into their own. The warmth of the water helps to ease any aches and pains and the buoyancy of the water help take the pressure of the injured area. This combination allows patients to complete their exercises in a pain-free environment, allowing them to work towards reaching their goals faster. It also helps alleviate the frustration many workers feel from being ‘stuck at home doing nothing’. Knowing they can safely participate in this form of supervised exercise helps with a feeling of progress and achievement and can help with the potential mental impacts of suffering a work injury.
Our Physiotherapists conduct an assessment in the clinic before arranging your first Hydrotherapy session so they can prepare an appropriate, individualised program to help you get back to work faster.
Read more about Hydrotherapy
Read more about Rehabilitation