Do you need to start exercising but have been putting it off and blaming the Christmas holidays as your excuse… We all know starting is the hardest part, so we’ve put together some tips that will help you restart or begin your exercise routine!
Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity on most, preferably all, days of the week (Moderate-intensity physical activity is an activity that is energetic and raises your heart rate but doesn’t make you too breathless, such as fast walking).
Our helpful hints:
- Make time to be physically active and schedule it into your week as you would an appointment.
- Set a date for when you will start. Write the date down in your 2019 diary and stick to it.
- Make an activity planner so you can put the times and days you will do each activity (e.g. walk home from work Monday, bike ride Tuesday, river walk Wednesday, yoga class Thursday).
- Set yourself little goals each week that are achievable, such as ‘I will walk every day for 10 minutes after meals’ or ‘I will get on and off the bus/train two stops away from my usual stop’.
- If you have been inactive for some time now, only start at a level that you can easily manage – such as walking. Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint! Slowly increase as your fitness improves each week.
- Choose physical activities that you will enjoy as a hobby, joining a team sport, taking a group fitness class, dancing and swimming.
- We offer Lifestyle Pilates classes at various times and days throughout the week which is a great exercise class to enjoy with friends. Check out the 2019 timetable, and you can book over the phone or online.
- Plan physical activities with others, to hold you accountable, motivate you to move and make a more fun and sociable activity.
- Swap your car or public transport for a bike – even just one day a week! We offer a specialised bike fit with our healthcare professionals, who will help you feel comfortable on your bike to avoid pain, as well as improve your pedaling efficiency and make you faster. Call the clinic to book in for a bike fit.
- If having a baby is stopping you from exercising, come along to our Mums N Bubs Pilates and Exercise classes with your bub and you can exercise with them. You can book over the phone or online.
If you need help setting an exercise plan or would like to get the ‘all-clear’ before starting from your Physio, please feel free to call the clinic on 3969 1099 and we will help you with the exercise plan!