by Live Healthy | Jun 24, 2019 | Lifestyle, Pain Relief, Rehabilitation, Sports, Uncategorized
Well it’s that time of year again, with many of our dedicated running community well into training and gearing up for their favourite marathon or fun fun. Our next local event is the Jetty to Jetty Fun Run in which many of our staff have taken part in the past. This...
by Live Healthy | Apr 16, 2019 | Pain Relief, Rehabilitation, Sports
“Tennis elbow” is a very common injury of overuse, that is caused by a repetitive activity. Although the name originated from racket sport injuries, this only makes up a small group of people who experience this injury as it’s widely found among painters, carpenters,...
by Live Healthy | Apr 16, 2019 | Lifestyle
These fun and healthy snacks and recipes are a great way to get kids excited for Easter and is also a great activity to get the kids involved in over the school holidays! Snack 1: Easter Bunny Pikelets These cute little pikelets are really basic to make but quite fun...
by Live Healthy | Apr 16, 2019 | Lifestyle, News
Welcome back to our patient App recommendation series! To successfully treat many of the conditions we see here at Sandgate Physical Health Clinic, we require patients to either do exercises at home and or to make lifestyle changes. While motivation may initially be...
by Live Healthy | Feb 21, 2019 | Lifestyle
The whole SPHC team has been on board with our #detoxmonth during February! Everyone has made considerably healthier choices when it comes to lunches and snacking. Keep reading to find out more about our detox tips, recipes and snack alternatives that we enjoyed...