by Live Healthy | May 10, 2024 | Acupuncture, Massage, Pain Relief, Physiotherapy
Headaches and Migraines are one of the most common, yet debilitating chronic pain conditions you can experience. Sufferers often miss school, work and social events, and have their work, relationships and overall quality of life disrupted constantly. It is estimated...
by Live Healthy | Jul 23, 2019 | Pain Relief, Uncategorized
Tradies National Health Month, which runs throughout August, places a firm focus on the health of Australia’s tradies. According to Safe Work Australia our trade industry accounts for 58 percent of serious claims for worker’s compensation, yet makes up less than one...
by Live Healthy | Jul 20, 2019 | Dance, News, Pain Relief, Uncategorized
Get $10 off Hot Stone Massage with our Introductory Winter Special. T’s and C’s apply. For a limited time only. Remedial Hot Stone Massage blends traditional Remedial Massage techniques with the use of hot (or sometimes cold) stones to help manage and...
by Live Healthy | Apr 16, 2019 | Pain Relief, Rehabilitation, Sports
“Tennis elbow” is a very common injury of overuse, that is caused by a repetitive activity. Although the name originated from racket sport injuries, this only makes up a small group of people who experience this injury as it’s widely found among painters, carpenters,...
by Live Healthy | May 23, 2018 | Pain Relief
Not everyone will experience soreness after Physiotherapy or Massage treatment, but some people do. Why do we feel sore after treatment? When the body’s joints and muscles become stiff and tight they are not moving as they should be and blood and lymphatic...