Unfortunately during these times, stress and tension have become a large part of our lives. Not only does this stress play havoc with your mental health, it can also directly affect your physical health.

However, one way to alleviate that stress is to add regular massage to your routine.

Massage therapy is not new. It was one of the first tools we used for pain relief. There are very little risks involved and there are various kinds of massage to suit your specific needs.

What conditions can Massage help?

Not only is Massage relaxing and able to enhance your overall wellness, it is also used to manage certain health conditions and relieve pain.

Massage therapy has been known to relieve symptoms associated with conditions like Osteoarthritis, Cancer, Fibromyalgia and of course is used during rehabilitation or management of sporting injuries. 

5 Reasons to add Massage to your Health and Wellness Routine

If you are suffering from everyday stress, here are 5 great reasons to add massage to your health routine.

  1. Fight Depression and Anxiety – Massage stimulates the release of our happy hormones in your body which calms the pathways of neuromuscular activities. This can cause a significant decrease in anxiety and depression.
  2. Improves Blood Circulation – A lot of people have postural stress and poor blood circulation, due to sitting for long hours or not stretching or walking enough, and this can lead to weak immune system and bad digestion. Massage improves your blood circulation, gives you energy and relieves muscular stress.
  3. Get a Better Night’s Sleep – Once your blood circulation improves and muscle tension is released, you will feel more relaxed and calm. This then improves your sleep cycle and allows you to enjoy a deep, sound sleep.
  4. Reduced Headaches – Frequent headaches or migraines make it very difficult to live a regular life, like all chronic conditions. Massage can ensure the pain associated with headaches is eased and you have a positive, clear mindset.
  5. Build a Strong Immune System – Research suggests that people getting regular massage have a stronger immune system. If you are suffering from stress, you are going to be more prone to disease and viruses, therefore your focus, especially in this day and age, should be on strengthening your immune system. Massage helps reduce the stress hormones in your bloodstream and causes white blood cells to increase, leading to a strong body defense system and healthier life.

How can I add Massage to my Health & Wellness Routine?

If you are serious about feeling better, mentally and physically, then incorporating massage into your monthly routine is a great idea. 

Not only will you feel more relaxed, get some me-time, relieve muscle tension or chronic pain, and all of the 5 reasons above, it will leave you feeling fantastic and rejuvenated! 

Why not re-evaluate your health and wellness routine now, as we draw close to the end of the year. Commit to improving your health, and set up your year ahead in a positive way.

We get it, everyone is busy, so we suggest you book your appointments in advance. You may have to change things around, but it is always there as a reminder to put yourself first every now and again! 

Massage Services at Sandgate Physical Health Clinic

We offer essential and specialty Massage Treatments that provide an effective healing treatment to assist with your recovery and general well being.

For more information, read more about our Massage services, or to book, please call us on 3869 1099 or BOOK ONLINE.